John Pierre' Photography

Oh Sunny Day- Pam & Galen’s Maui Wedding Photography

Pam & Galen are from Minot ND and always dreamed they would tie the knot here on Maui.  They had a perfect sized support group of friends and family follow them to witness their special day on Maui.  No one was disappointed as we had a gorgeous evening for all to share the love and support. John    

August 7, 2013|Weddings|

Sicilia Family-Maui Family Portrait

Aloha, The Sicilia family was out on Maui recently, and they decided to make the best of it by having a family portrait session.  We had a great evening in that it had both a cloudy dramatic portion and a beautifully sun lite time for use to play in.  Everyone was ready to break a smile and try some fun suggestions.  Enjoy a look at a few of the many [...]

July 27, 2013|Portraits|

Maryanne & Chris’s Maui Wedding

Aloha, Now that summer is here so are the sunsets ... Maryanne and Chris snuck away from family and friends in Australia to tie their nuptials here on Maui.  Chris later told me that they were all so thrilled with the pictures that they felt like they were there after all.  Below are a few select images from their magical evening. Aloha-John

June 9, 2013|Weddings|

Day Off…Well Deserved

Ok ... this week was busy for me: three major events to photograph plus working on 3 album designs as well as a large print order from a recent family sitting.  I had yesterday off, so to speak, with no photo assignments.  I must say that I truly  believe that there are no coincidences in life- so while jamming on my work something inside told me to stop working and [...]

June 2, 2013|Portraits, Weddings|

Chloe’s Sr. Portrait

Aloha, My good friend and surfing buddy recently called me and asked if I'd do his daughters Senior Class Portrait.  I was happy to help out and we went to a nearby beach that has great backgrounds.  Nothing like an "Outdoor" portrait to set yourself apart.  The weather was perfect and we really had fun trying all sorts of ideas. Enjoy this selection of amazing images. Aloha-John

March 13, 2013|Portraits|

Maui Portrait Photography

Yes, It has been a good fall season for photography.  Below, I have some fun images for a few of the recent groups I have had the privilege to photograph here on Maui.  Please have a peak and Enjoy!

December 18, 2012|Portraits|
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